FASTER modules are developed with :
- VHDL for hardware modules. VHDL (Very-high-speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language) is used to program the FPGA in the FASTER hardware nodes.
- Ada for software nodes. Ada in an advanced, modern programming language, designed and standardized to support widely recognized sotfware engineering principles :
- reliability,
- portability,
- modularity,
- re-usability.
- Python for describing nodes interconnections and building graphical user interfaces. Python's flexibility allows quickly describing and building FASTER acquisition trees by interconnecting hardware and software nodes.
A C/C++ library is available for reading data (stored by FASTER) during offline analysis. If you use Ubuntu 12.04, there is a package (fasterac package). Otherwise, if you want to analyze your data on another operating system, you can download the sources of this library (here).