All parameters and histograms declarations are saved in a RHB configuration file ended with “.facqConf” extension. At launch, if the ConfigFile option is specified in the .RHBrc file, all these definitions will be loaded in RHB.
This file can be divided in two parts, the first one is dedicated to the parameters declaration while the other one is for the histograms declaration. If you pass your mouse over the different parameters or histograms, you will have declaration examples. If you want more information, download the RHBShortUserGuide_en.pdf file.
Calculated parameter (FParamCalc)
Condition parameter (FCondition)
Graphical cut parameter (FGCondition)
Time parameter (FParam Time)
Counter parameter (FCounter)
Differential counter parameter (FDiffCounter)
This kind of parameter allows to define counting rates. It simply computes the ratio of the differences of two parameters. The user has to define the two parameters and the frequency of the parameter evaluation. WARNING: the parameter indicated as the divider must increase with time
Scale histogram (FHScale)
Oscillogram (FOscilloH1F)
Oscillogram example, if you want the last 5 signals on the same ocillogram : CH1_OSC;704;-1000;1000;5
![RHB Files | Oscillogram](https://faster.in2p3.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/FOscilloH1F-0.webp)
Time histogram 2D (FTimeHist)
The X axis is the computer time axis. The limits are computed according to the number of bins and to the time width of each bin. When the upper limit is reached, whole time axis (and the corresponding bin contents) is shifted by one bin, i.e. the axis time limits are incremented by one bin width. This allow to check the variations of a parameter distribution with time in a moving time window of fixed total width. The Y axis limits can be static or can be recomputed in order to cover the whole range of the parameter’s values
Time profile histogram (FTimeProfile)
The X axis is the computer time axis. The limits are computed according to the number of bins and to the time width of each bin. When the upper limit is reached, whole time axis (and the corresponding bin contents) is shifted by one bin, i.e. the axis time limits are incremented by one bin width. This allow to check the variations of the mean value of a parameter with time in a moving time window of fixed total width